The Conquest of the Peak

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Black & White

The Commercial Art Gallery

The painters had the task of displaying their painting. Only when the paintings are properly displayed in a spacious hall or room where people could come unhurriedly to take a look at the painting and appreciate the art.

  • Client : Art Gallery
  • Service : Landscapes
  • Project : Black & White
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Assimilating seemingly disparate sources and fusing it together is a new approach to art making. The uncertainty and novelty of creating something in a way depict the artists' perspectives and the birth of modern art.

When you analyze the history of painting, reaching back in time to artifacts from pre-historic humans, you will find it spans all cultures. Chronological it Is not but representing a continuous, though periodically disrupted tradition from Antiquity. The history of painting is certainly interesting and spans across cultures, continents and millennia. Until the early 20th century it relied primarily on representational, religious and classical motifs, after which it became purely abstract and conceptual. No wonder they gained the favor of the new generation.

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